Fun & Purposeful

On Saturday, 10th December 2022, the WeCare2Help team volunteered to help at the Salvation Army to distribute toys and other essentials to the underserved community during this holiday season.

Salvation Army is a charitable organization devoted to helping people in need. Working with a selfless group of volunteers instilled motivation, and inspiration and pushed us to give our best in serving the people.

We got the opportunity to work on multiple tasks. Our first task was to pack gift bags for the angels. We had to find the items requested by the wonderful children, pack the items carefully in the bags, label them
with their names and assign unique codes so they wouldn’t be lost. The next task was to arrange all the bags in the right sequence so they could be found when the families arrive to pick them up. Soon, the families started arriving
at the facility to pick up the gifts. Each family was given a unique code, the same one that was used when packing their bags. Our final and most fulfilling task of the day has begun. As families were coming to pick up their items,
Each of us was given their code, so we had to find the bags, take them to their cars and place them inside the trunk. It was a lot of running back and forth finding the items, getting the heavy items, and safely place them in the
car, but it was worth all the effort. Looking at the happy, excited, and thankful faces filled with tears of joy moved our hearts. This was truly one of the best days of serving.

When we returned home and thought about how these families felt receiving the gifts, it filled our hearts with joy and fulfillment. On that day, we fully experienced the overall feeling of volunteering, and the difference
it makes in people’s lives.